par admin | Sep 24, 2020 | News
On October 2nd I will take advantage of another Bandcamp Friday (when Bandcamp waives their percentage) to release The Four Freedoms. This suite of four movements was commissioned by the Albany-Berkshire Ballet and recorded in Paris from April 10-12, 2017 at...
par admin | Sep 11, 2020 | News
Here is a trailer produced by Monartagency featuring artist Anne Graaff who speaks about her approach to making the art that has accompanied 3 of my recordings with Catherine Sikora. Anne Graaff Interview Sikora Culpo Duo Sept. 24
par admin | Sep 4, 2020 | News
Release of The Paris Sessions Vol 2; Speaking in Tongues I am very happy to announce that my latest release with saxophonist Catherine Sikora here: This album is only being...
par admin | Juil 3, 2020 | News
Bandcamp has been supporting artists during the Covid Pandemic bu waiving their revenue share on certain days. Because of this today I have made available on my Bandcamp site my last album Mimesis...
par admin | Juil 3, 2020 | News
I am pleased to share another review of my recent album Mimesis from Avant Music News. Meanwhile I am preparing with Catherine Sikora the release of Volume two of The Paris Sessions. Coming soon! AMN Reviews: Sikora / Culpo Duo – The Paris...
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