Christopher Culpo piano

Achille Succi clarinets and alto saxophone

A program of new works.

Saturday November 6 at 20:00, Christopher Culpo and Achille Succi will perform in duo. The focus of the concert will be the premiere of recently composed works for clarinet and piano.

The concert will be at the Atelier Main d’Or, 9 passage de la main d’or, 75011 Paris.

There is a 35 person limit to attend (with a Covid Pass) but this concert will also be live streamed.

Also your link will allow you to watch the concert at a later time.

Live stream 20:00 Paris, 14:00 ET.

Le DUO SUCCI-CULPO est centré sur la composition de Christopher Culpo et Achille Succi

Chaque petite phrase prend sa forme dans le dialogue musical, créant ainsi une histoire partagée qui évite largement le langage mélodique et la narration associés au jazz contemporain.

Les humeurs vont et viennent, se mélangent et se confondent, créant une musique lyrique, chimérique, amusante, majestueuse et vertigineuse.

Billetterie Weezevent

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