August-September will be a very active period, most of it in South Africa.

It kicks off with a concert at the Poetry in McGregor Festival, August 24 from 10:30 – 11:15 AM.

I will be performing with poet Douglas Reid Skinner, playing along to as he reads some of his beautiful poems.

The website below has all the details.

Then on August 25 and 28 I will collaborate with writer-artist Anne Graaff on a new work at the Bowed Electrons 2019 electro-acoustic music festival at UCT and Wits, August 25 and 28. The work, for piano, electronics, video projected artists book, and poetry is titled THE BOOKS OF COINCIDENCE.

The UCT concert will take place at Chisholm Recital Room. At 15:00 we will present the project to the public and at 19:30 the concert will take place.

The concert at Wits begins at 13:15 at The Music Room, 8th floor, University Corner, Wits East Campus (Access from Wits Art Museum, Jorissen Street).

Both concerts are free and open to the public.

And on September 7 I will return for a solo concert at The Showroom Theatre, Prince Albert.

Showtime at the Showroom will be 20:00

And finally in Paris on September 27 I will appear with soprano Sophia Stern, contrabassist Joseph Carver, and drummer Phelan Burgoyne for a concert of jazz standards and English renaissance compositions. Concert at 20:30


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